Local Representation

Until the client has established a permanent presence in India market entry, some of the biggest challenges faced will arise from cross border communication issues and attempting to manage your business remotely. Phone calls and emails are no substitute for face-to-face communication. Clients who first attempt to break into the Indian market entry alone and remotely often encounter the frustrations of regular misunderstandings, missed deadlines, stalled projects and slow or non-existent response when making enquiries. Further, local companies want to see commitment to a local presence in the market from their partners before engaging in business.

Stratcon assists by providing an active, local presence to manage your business interests through our Base Camp Service

The Base Camp Service acts as an incubator for foreign organisations who have decided they need to have a full time presence in India, but do not want to register a local company yet. The service ensures our clients acclimatize to local conditions with minimum cost and risk, whilst enabling them to swiftly and successfully reach new heights in India.